15.6.2023 Schwangau. Yesterday, on Wednesday afternoon, June 14, 2023 at around 2:40 p.m., the police received notification of two injured people at a viewpoint near the Marienbrücke. Since the message suggested a crime, the police were on site with a large number of police forces.
According to the current state of investigation, two female tourists met a male tourist on a hiking trail east of the Marienbrücke and joined him on the way.
The male tourist then steered the two under a pretext to a trail that was difficult to see, which leads to a viewpoint.
(Foto: Polizei)
There he physically attacked the 21-year-old woman. When the 22-year-old wanted to intervene, he choked her and then pushed her down a steep slope in the direction of Pöllat. According to the current state of knowledge, an attempted sexual offense to the detriment of the 21-year-old must be assumed. He then pushed her down the slope, where she, after falling nearly 50 Meters, came to rest next to her friend.
The two injured people were rescued by the Füssen mountain rescue service. The 22-year-old was injured, but was responsive and was taken to a hospital. The 21-year-old victim was taken to the hospital by helicopter with serious injuries and sadly died there the following night as a result of her injuries.
Extensive search measures were carried out fort he fugitive perpetrator, who had meanwhile left the scene of the crime. He was arrested a short time later near the scene of the crime. The 30-year-old was brought before the responsible investigating judge at the Kempten District Court today. He followed the request of the competent public prosecutor’s office in Kempten and issued an arrest warrant. The 30-year-old was taken to a correctional facility.
Immediately after the arrest, the Kempten criminal police took over the investigation into attempted murder and murder, as well as a sexual offence. Due to the steep terrain at the scene of the crime, specially trained officers from the Alpine Task Force provided support.
In close consultation with the responsible public prosecutor’s office in Kempten, the focus of the investigations is now on the reconstruction of the exact course of the crime.
Therefore, witnesses who have made the crime themselves or suspicious observations beforehand are asked to contact the Kempten criminal police on 0831/9909-0.
There is also the option of uploading photos to the media upload portal of the Bavarian police, which were taken by visitors on the day of the crime in the vicinity of the crime scene and may contain victims or perpetrators, and thus support the investigation. The media upload portal can be reached at https://medienupload-portal01.polizei.bayern.de.
Link to German report: Ermittlungen nach Tötungsdelikt nahe der Marienbrücke